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How We Advocate

Polaris, our North Star, has served as a beacon of hope and inspiration for many.

In fact, Polaris is a group of three stars - all sharing the same gravitational force and orbit.

Our Star-Cluster Approach

Like the Polaris star cluster, together, we will define the goal and provide you the navigation to successfully find the way. Each phase of this plan is designed to offer you a bright light to follow through all the uncertainty that comes with this challenge. Working together and alongside the care communities, we will provide you with the knowledge and support you will need at every step.

Listen & Understand

Our advocate will meet with you face-to-face or via phone or internet - always on your terms and however best suits you. Our goal is to hear your story and learn about each significant detail that will help us comprehend your situation. Meticulous notes will be taken to record and understand your specific needs and wants. We will also review all relevant materials, including medical records, as well as observations and opinions you may have on previous care providers.

Research & Recommend

Once we have conducted all applicable interviews and gathered all pertinent information, your case will be reviewed. We will cross-reference your details with our knowledge of each care option available to your specific circumstance and with our database of communities which have beenpersonally toured and inspected by us. We will reach out to other professionals in the industry to obtain their points of view on each community we select for you. By clearly identifying and speaking to all of your concerns, we will provide recommendations which we believe will best address your situation.

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Support & Transition

At this point, we will be faithfully at your side exploring each location and meeting with personnel to inspect everything offered by each community. By staying closely involved during this phase, we will be readily open to communication and responsive enough so that we can quickly pivot to address any concerns that may arise.


Upon selection of a care option, we will help to expedite any paperwork and transitional logistics to help ensure that move-in day is as stress-free as possible. 

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